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Honduras 🇭🇳



Regular price $22.00
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Yuzu Lemon, Golden Raisin, Baker's Chocolate

Honduras stands mightily atop the producing countries of Central America–producingmore coffee percapita than any other country in the world. A true feat considering their small size. Coffee first arrived inHonduras in the 18thcenturyvia trading ships. The crop slowly spread over the following centuries andgained prominence in the 20thcentury.Honduras has encountered a number of obstacles with regards tocoffee production over the past 100 years, but the country has remained strong.

  • Farm: Finca Benedición de Dios
  • Varietal: Catauí and IH90
  • Process: Red Honey
  • Altitude: 1,800 metres above sea level
  • Town / City: Tres Cruces
  • Region: Erandique
  • Owner: Aracely Martinez Gomez
  • Farm Size: 1.4 hectares on average

A significant portion (70%) of producers in Honduras are considered smallholders, growing coffee on land less than 2 hectares. The past few decades have seen increased support towards these smallholders, with resources provided by IHCAFE to improve agricultural methods and connect producers with international markets. The producers are passionate about quality and are constantly looking to the future. Not only that, but Honduras, unlike many other Central American countries, boasts an overall young average age of producer. Cooperatives are run by young professionals, and plenty of entrepreneurs are working to modernize the coffee industry in Honduras.

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